Telecommunication and electronics provides a distinct quality of service in the design, provision, installation, integration, and commissioning of telecommunications and electronics projects work, and upgrading of existing systems, moreover technical support for human resources, labor, materials, and all the necessary equipment, materials, and tools for the implementation of different telecommunications projects.
Some of our integration services:
Low current systems (CCTV, access control … etc.).
Intrusion and Perimeter detection systems.
Maritime Vessel Tracking Management Information Systems –VTMIS- (Radars, AIS, VHF, GIS, Meteorological, Hydrological … etc.)
Airports AVDGS, GOS, FIS … etc.
We also offers very specialized integrated solutions in telecommunications and networking projects through a range of professionals, where the company depends in choosing its employees over the selection of talented each in their respective specialization and over the organizational assets in form of projects scoping, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing processes to complete projects successfully under its required budget, duration, and quality.